Sexual Assault Resources
Our Commitment to a Safe Community
ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ College works to promote an environment and collective attitude that encourages students, faculty, staff and administrators to serve others, participate in the life of the College, and act as responsible members of the community. Acts of sexual harassment or other sexual misconduct, including sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence or stalking, undermine the dignity of individuals and the principles of equality and respect for others and are serious violations of our community standards. These acts do not just harm the individual. These crimes harm the College community as a whole.
Resources for the Campus Community
Immediate Steps
- Go to a safe place
- Call someone you trust
- Preserve evidence— After sexual violence, do not shower until you have considered whether to have a no-cost forensic sexual assault examination at the hospital, and save the clothes you were wearing (unwashed) in a paper or cloth bag. Take photos of any damage or injury and keep communication records.
Within 24 Hours
- Seek out support—You may want to turn to a confidential counselor for support and information. They will talk with you about your options for additional services and reporting.
- After unwanted physical contact, get medical attention—A medical provider can check for and treat physical injury, sexually transmitted infections, and pregnancy. You do not need to file a formal report to receive medical care.
At Any Time
- Consider making a formal report—You are encouraged to report what happened to both ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ Security and to local law enforcement officials. You decide how much you would like to participate in the process.
- ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ can help—There are many on-campus resources available to you to help support you.  You do not need to file a formal report to receive help.
If you have experienced sexual violence, sexual harassment, relationship violence, or stalking, you have the right to make a report to campus security, local law enforcement, and/or state police or choose not to report. You may report the incident to your institution; to be protected by the institution from retaliation for reporting an incident; and to receive assistance and resources from your institution.
Immediate Steps
- Go to a safe place
- Call someone you trust
- Preserve evidence— After sexual violence, do not shower until you have considered whether to have a no-cost forensic sexual assault examination at the hospital, and save the clothes you were wearing (unwashed) in a paper or cloth bag. Take photos of any damage or injury and keep communication records.
Within 24 Hours
- Seek out support—You may want to turn to a confidential counselor for support and information. They will talk with you about your options for additional services and reporting.
- After unwanted physical contact, get medical attention—A medical provider can check for and treat physical injury, sexually transmitted infections, and pregnancy. You do not need to file a formal report to receive medical care.
At Any Time
- Consider making a formal report—You are encouraged to report what happened to both ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ Security and to local law enforcement officials. You decide how much you would like to participate in the process.
- ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ can help—There are many on-campus resources available to you to help support you.  You do not need to file a formal report to receive help.
If you have experienced sexual violence, sexual harassment, relationship violence, or stalking, you have the right to make a report to campus security, local law enforcement, and/or state police or choose not to report. You may report the incident to your institution; to be protected by the institution from retaliation for reporting an incident; and to receive assistance and resources from your institution.
Confidentiality may be offered by an individual who is not required by law to report known incidents of sexual assault or other crimes to institutional officials in a manner consistent with state and federal law. Licensed mental health counselors, and medical providers are examples of institutional employees who may offer confidentiality.
ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ strongly encourages our students to receive the confidential support that is available to them by being part of our community. If you would like to confidentially discuss an incident of sexual assault, relationship violence, or stalking, you can do so by contacting our Wellness Center for Health and Counseling. You can also receive confidential support by contacting one of the community based resources listed below.
On-campus Support Resources (free to all students):
Wellness Center (counseling):(315)445-4195
Wellness Center (health):(315)445-4440
Seton Hall, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday during the academic year (no charge).
ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ College on-campus hotline during the academic year: (315)251-SAFE (no charge) Available 24 hours a day, everyday
Community Support Resources:
Vera House can provide a sexual assault advocate who can go to the hospital and/or the police department with you, their services are free of charge.
Vera House Hotline: (315)468-3260
NYS Domestic Sexual Violence Hotline: 1-800-942-6906
National Sexual Assault Hotline: 1-800-656-4673
National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-7233
Confidentiality may be offered by an individual who is not required by law to report known incidents of sexual assault or other crimes to institutional officials in a manner consistent with state and federal law. Licensed mental health counselors, and medical providers are examples of institutional employees who may offer confidentiality.
ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ strongly encourages our students to receive the confidential support that is available to them by being part of our community. If you would like to confidentially discuss an incident of sexual assault, relationship violence, or stalking, you can do so by contacting our Wellness Center for Health and Counseling. You can also receive confidential support by contacting one of the community based resources listed below.
On-campus Support Resources (free to all students):
Wellness Center (counseling):(315)445-4195
Wellness Center (health):(315)445-4440
Seton Hall, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday during the academic year (no charge).
ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ College on-campus hotline during the academic year: (315)251-SAFE (no charge) Available 24 hours a day, everyday
Community Support Resources:
Vera House can provide a sexual assault advocate who can go to the hospital and/or the police department with you, their services are free of charge.
Vera House Hotline: (315)468-3260
NYS Domestic Sexual Violence Hotline: 1-800-942-6906
National Sexual Assault Hotline: 1-800-656-4673
National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-7233
In appropriate cases, interim relief may be available for either party to a report while an investigation and/or review is pending. Relief may include no-contact orders; changes in academic, extracurricular, residential, transportation, dining or working arrangements; access to academic, counseling, and other support; as well as safe walks and escorts, and other relief as appropriate. This relief can be secured through the Title IX Coordinator or deputy coordinators.
In appropriate cases, interim relief may be available for either party to a report while an investigation and/or review is pending. Relief may include no-contact orders; changes in academic, extracurricular, residential, transportation, dining or working arrangements; access to academic, counseling, and other support; as well as safe walks and escorts, and other relief as appropriate. This relief can be secured through the Title IX Coordinator or deputy coordinators.
Privacy may be offered by an individual when such individual is unable to offer confidentiality under the law but shall still not disclose information learned from a reporting individual or bystander to a crime or incident more than necessary to comply with this policy and applicable laws, including informing appropriate College officials.
ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ strongly encourages survivors and witnesses of sexual misconduct to report these incidents to the Title IX coordinator or a trusted ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ staff member who will then be able to contact the Title IX coordinator. Outside of the confidential resources previously listed, disclosing any information regarding sexual assault, relationship violence, or stalking will be kept private, but not confidential, and will result in a Title IX report. Students can file a report directly with the Title IX coordinator, ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ Security, and/or outside law enforcement agencies listed below.
On-campus Reporting Options – On campus, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday during the academic year (no charge).
- Melissa Moore, Asisstant Dean for Title IX and Compliance: (315)445-4278
- Barb Karper, Deputy Title IX Coordinator:(315)445-4595
- ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ College Security: (315)445-4444
Basement of Nelligan Hall, Available 24 hours a day, everyday
Community Law Enforcement Reporting Options:
- Syracuse Police: (315)442-5111
- DeWitt Police: (315)425-2333
- Onondaga County Sheriffs: (315)435-2111
- Syracuse Police Abused Persons Unit: (351)435-3016
- Onondaga Sheriff Abused Persons Unit: (315)435-3092
- NYS State Police Sexual Assault Hotline: 1-844-845-7269
- Emergency: 911
Privacy may be offered by an individual when such individual is unable to offer confidentiality under the law but shall still not disclose information learned from a reporting individual or bystander to a crime or incident more than necessary to comply with this policy and applicable laws, including informing appropriate College officials.
ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ strongly encourages survivors and witnesses of sexual misconduct to report these incidents to the Title IX coordinator or a trusted ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ staff member who will then be able to contact the Title IX coordinator. Outside of the confidential resources previously listed, disclosing any information regarding sexual assault, relationship violence, or stalking will be kept private, but not confidential, and will result in a Title IX report. Students can file a report directly with the Title IX coordinator, ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ Security, and/or outside law enforcement agencies listed below.
On-campus Reporting Options – On campus, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday during the academic year (no charge).
- Melissa Moore, Asisstant Dean for Title IX and Compliance: (315)445-4278
- Barb Karper, Deputy Title IX Coordinator:(315)445-4595
- ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ College Security: (315)445-4444
Basement of Nelligan Hall, Available 24 hours a day, everyday
Community Law Enforcement Reporting Options:
- Syracuse Police: (315)442-5111
- DeWitt Police: (315)425-2333
- Onondaga County Sheriffs: (315)435-2111
- Syracuse Police Abused Persons Unit: (351)435-3016
- Onondaga Sheriff Abused Persons Unit: (315)435-3092
- NYS State Police Sexual Assault Hotline: 1-844-845-7269
- Emergency: 911
All hospitals listed have access to a SANE nurse (Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner) who can provide a physical exam, complete sexually transmitted infection and pregnancy testing, and have a sexual assault kit completed in the event that you would like to bring charges against the perpetrator. It is important to note that more evidence can be collected if you do not change your clothes, shower, eat, drink, or smoke until you have been examined. Services will be provided at the student’s expense, if any.
- St. Joseph’s Hospital: (315)448-5101
- Upstate University Hospital: (315)464-5611
- Crouse Hospital: (315)470-7411
All hospitals listed have access to a SANE nurse (Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner) who can provide a physical exam, complete sexually transmitted infection and pregnancy testing, and have a sexual assault kit completed in the event that you would like to bring charges against the perpetrator. It is important to note that more evidence can be collected if you do not change your clothes, shower, eat, drink, or smoke until you have been examined. Services will be provided at the student’s expense, if any.
- St. Joseph’s Hospital: (315)448-5101
- Upstate University Hospital: (315)464-5611
- Crouse Hospital: (315)470-7411
ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ does not provide legal assistance for students. The following local resources are available in the Syracuse community:
- Onondaga County Bar Association: (315)471-2690
- Volunteer Lawyers Project of Onondaga Co.: (315)471-3409
- Legal Services of Central New York: (315)703-6600
- Hiscock Legal Aid Society: (315)422-8191
ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ does not provide legal assistance for students. The following local resources are available in the Syracuse community:
- Onondaga County Bar Association: (315)471-2690
- Volunteer Lawyers Project of Onondaga Co.: (315)471-3409
- Legal Services of Central New York: (315)703-6600
- Hiscock Legal Aid Society: (315)422-8191
Title IX Training Materials for the ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ Community
Questions? Get in Touch