A Letter To My Freshman Self

As the school year is starting to come to a close and my junior year is almost over, I look back at the girl I was freshman year. Coming to college, there was a rush of emotions and things running through my head. I was filled with thoughts of being by myself for the first time, being far from home, not knowing many people coming here, or even if I would be able to find all of my classes. All of these thoughts were rushing through my head as the day for me to officially become a ‘Phin and start my journey on campus approached. As I am about to enter my senior year at ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ, looking back on that time and everything I felt, there are a few things that I wish I could tell my freshman self.
I would tell her to hold on tight because ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ is ready for her, and she is beyond ready to be here, and she should enjoy every second of the short while she gets to live life like a ‘Phin.
Knowing what I know now and everything that happened, both the good and the bad, if I could go back in time, I would give my freshman self a hug and tell her it will be okay. I would tell her how much she will thrive in this place, how she will learn to call this place home in no time, and how she will find some of the best people she will ever meet here on campus. I would tell her how she will share numerous memories and laughs and even some tears with them. I would tell her not to worry about finding a place to fit in because, here on the Heights, it is so much more than that. We are a ‘Phamily and everyone will welcome her into the pod with open arms and welcoming smiles. I would reiterate to my freshman self that she doesn’t need to get nervous about making friends or getting along with her roommate because that girl she got paired with freshman year will become her rock and her best friend. Together, they both will find their best friends on campus.
Coming in as a freshman, I was also so worried about being alone and on my own for the first time. I would tell my freshman self that it will all be okay. In those tough days and times when she misses home, it’s okay to feel like that and call home. I would tell her that maybe she shouldn’t call her dad every day because, even though he loves her, a phone call every day was a lot. I would tell her that within the first weekend, she will find that she is far from alone, as the friends she’s made will be there for the rest of the time here and the time proceeding. I would tell her though that she should bring that blanket that smells like home no matter how many times she washes it so she can use it when she misses home just a tad.
Lastly, I would tell her to put the phone down and take more breaks from the academics; they aren’t going anywhere. Putting the phone down more often will let her experience all of the amazing memories that will be made. From the athletic games, to playing pool at the pub, to exploring downtown Syracuse, the memories will stay with her forever. I would tell her that her time here on the Heights will be unbelievable and better than she ever could’ve hoped for. She will triumph, just as she will sometimes fail, but every day she will fall more and more in love with the campus on top of the hill. But most importantly, I would tell her that while her time here will be one that will be utterly amazing and unimaginable, it will go by in the blink of an eye. So I would tell her to hold on tight because ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ is ready for her and she is beyond ready to be here and she should enjoy every second of the short while she gets to live life like a ‘Phin.
Paige Martin, ’21
Marketing Major, Digital Intern