Dive into the real world of finance.

  • The Dolphin Green & Gold Fund, LLC provides you real-world portfolio management experience.
  • It’s supported by our generous alumni and friends and puts you well on your way to earning professional designations such as CFA and CIPM. 
  • You gain real-world experience in corporate finance, financial modeling, investing and credit analysis, setting you up for a lifetime of career success.
  • You’ll use Bloomberg, Morningstar and S&P Capital IQ as investment platforms.

The Dolphin Green & Gold Fund strengthened my ability to effectively analyze data, draw sound conclusions, and offer actionable recommendations to stakeholders. This experience directly applies to my current job responsibilities, and I am immensely grateful for the exposure and knowledge that I gained through the Dolphin Green & Gold Fund at ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ College.”

Miranda Myhill-LaForce '21, Associate Analyst, Constellation Brands Green & Gold Fund
Miranda Myhill-LaForce

Green & Gold Fund by the Numbers

$1.2M Portfolio size managed by fund analysts

46th Largest student-managed fund in the U.S.

7 Student team leaders working with student analysts

Madden student close up

The fund has grown over 20% since its launch.

Green & Gold In Focus

Money in Motion

See the Green & Gold Fund profiled on PBS.

Meet our student investors and learn more about the fund.

The Dolphin Green & Gold Fund was my first opportunity to learn and apply the analytical and leadership skills that are most relevant and necessary to succeed in this field. With the fundamentals I developed at the Fund, and by working independently with the technical resources available through ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ, I was well-equipped for the challenges of a fast-paced industry.”

John Mickelinc, CFA '17, Investment Banking Associate, Matrix Capital Markets Group Green & Gold Fund
John Mickelinc

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